Ribbn was recently featured in the leading Swedish tech impact magazine ”Impact Loop”, where our CEO Vendela Ragnarsson was interviewed about the launch of our AI-powered resale stores. Here's a translated version of the article's intro:
The secondhand market is growing explosively but struggles with low margins and a lot of manual work. Ribbn aims to solve this problem with the help of AI and automation – and on Saturday, they will open their second store. "By upgrading stores with AI, we want to showcase what the future of circular commerce can look like," says co-founder Vendela Ragnarsson to Impact Loop.
Impact Loop is a new Swedish media house who publishes stories and news about the people and businesses who makes the world a better place.
Original article heading:
Secondhand-marknaden växer explosivt men brottas med låga marginaler och mycket manuellt arbete. Ribbn vill lösa problemet med hjälp av AI och automation – och på lördag öppnas deras andra, egna butik. "Genom att rusta upp butikerna med AI vill vi visa hur framtidens cirkulära handel kan se ut", säger medgrundaren Vendela Ragnarsson till Impact Loop.